EDDM is perhaps the easiest way to get your marketing material seen by thousands! You provide the artwork and a desired region. We'll take care of the rest! For a limited time only, the US Postal Service will waive the usual business permit fee of $450 for those who enroll in the program. The partnership between 1800Postcards & the USPS Office guarantee your promotion is delivered to everyone you need.
The partnership between 1800Postcards and the USPS office garantees your piece is delivered to just about everyone you want. Get started today! Fill out the form and a customer care representative will contact you within 24-48 hours to help create your promotional campaigne
Every Door Direct Mail Service delivers your direct mail to as many as 5,000 targeted housholds - without a recipient list. It's cheaper too! With every piece mailed through USPS at a discounted price of 16¢. The program saves you 10¢ - 20¢ per piece! EDDM is great for every business.
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